SketchUp is a 3D modeling software widely used by architects, designers, engineers, and artists to create, visualize, and communicate ideas in three dimensions. It was originally developed by @Last Software and later acquired by Google, and is currently owned by Trimble Inc. SketchUp is known for its user-friendly interface and versatile capabilities, making it popular among professionals and hobbyists alike. Key features of SketchUp include:...Read More
CSI ETABS (Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building Systems) is a popular software application used for structural analysis and design of buildings. It is developed by Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI), a leading software company in the field of structural and earthquake engineering. ETABS is widely used by structural engineers, civil engineers, and architects to analyze and design complex building structures. It provides a comprehensive suite...Read More
Project Name: Unity Complex Client Name: United Group Scope of work: Booster Pumps, Hot and Cold water distribution, water purification and water treatment plant, STP: Sewage Treatment Plan, swimming Pool Heating. Location: Dhaka No of Floor:6 Nos Luxurious Residential House & 1 Nos Luxurious Club House. Status: Completed Project Consultant: Shams EngineeringRead More
Project Name : Senior Citizen Home & Head office Client Name: Sajida Foundation Scope of work: MEP Location: Mouchak, Gazipur Occupancy type: Senior citizen Home & Head Office Construction Area: 1,28,000 sqft. Status: Completed Project Consultant: Shams Engineering Our Services 1. Air conditioning system (VRF). 2. Electrical system 3. Security and Data system. 4. Ventilation system. 5. Sanitary services. 6. Fire Fighting System. 7. Solid...Read More
Project Name : Volume Zero Light House Client Name: Volume Zero Light House Scope of work: Supply, Installation, Testing Commission of WTP & STP. Status: Completed Project Consultant: Shams EngineeringRead More
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.